October 2021 - March 2022
aut, Architektur und Tirol, Innsbruck

Potenziale 3 Exhibiton

with: Nicolas Stephan

technical support: Robby Kraft, Adam Geraia

project supported by the University of Innsbruck, Faculty of Architecture, Institute for Design/Construction and Design, i.sd, research leader Univ.-Prof. Stefan Rutzinger

Phygital Spaces

An Interface Enabled Augmentation

The installation mediates space and vision between human and machine, and speculates on the role that spatial computing can play in architecture and feature design. It seeks to explore encoding and decoding using the physical relief wall as a medium to encode and transfer data. It is an investigation into how our environments can become embedded with augmented information and experiences and what domains of use-value and social value such environments can bring.

As the physics of perception and sensing differs between humans and machines, the physical space becomes a negotiated middle ground - it is both hosting and being hosted. By collaborating with the robot arm through an augmented layer, the users become active space-makers as they enable a feedback-loop between the robotically-assemb- led relief and the corresponding 3-dimensional, digital layer.